三字經 知識篇 ( 二 ) 台語發音
三字經 台語拼音 聽聽看 台語發音 英語翻譯
曰仁義 oat8 jin5-gi7   We speak of chairty, of (??hear ??) and of duty towards one' neighbour ("??" an error in my original copy. I can't figure out what it is.)
禮智信 le2 ti3 sin3   of propriety, of wisdom, and of truth
此五常 chu2 ngoo2-siong5   These five virtues
不容紊 put4 iong5 bun7   admit of no compromise
稻梁菽 to7. liong5.siok4   Rice , spike, millet, pulse
麥黍稷 bek8. si2. cek4   wheat, glutinous millet and common millet
此六穀 chu2 liok8-kok4   These six grains
人所食 jin5. sou2-sit8   are those which men eat
馬牛羊 ma2. ngiu5. iong5   The horse, the ox, the sheep
雞犬豕 ke1. khian2. si2   the fowl, the dog, the pig
此六畜 chu2 liok8-hiok4   These six animals
人所飼 jin5. soo2-su7   are those which men keep
曰喜怒 oat8 hi2-noo7   We speak of joy, of anger
曰哀懼 oat8 ai1-ku7   we speak of pity, of fear
愛惡欲 ai3. ok4. iok8   of love , of hate and of desire
七情具 chit4-ceng5 ku7   These are the seven passions
匏土革 pau5. thoo2.kek4   The gound, earthenware,skin
木石金 bok8 sek8 kim1   wood, stone metal
絲與竹 si1 u2 tiok4   silk and bamboo
乃八音 nai2 pat4 -im1   yield the eight musical sounds
高曾祖 ko1-ceng1-coo2   Great great grandfather,great grandfather, grandfather
父而身 hu7. ji5 sin1   father and self
身而子 sin1. ji5 cu2   self and son
子而孫 cu2. ji5 sun1   son and grandson
自子孫 cu7 cu2-sun1   from son and grandson
至玄曾 ci3 ceng1-hian5   on to great grandson and great great grandson
乃九族 nai2 kiu2-cok8   These are the nine agnates
人之倫 jin5. ci1 lun5   constituting the kinships of man
父子恩 hu7-cu2 un1   Affection between father and child
夫婦從 hu1-hu7 ciong5   harmony between husband and wife
兄則友 heng1. cek4 iu2   friendliness on the part of elder brothers
弟則恭 te7. cek4 kiong1   respectfulness on the part of younger brothers
長幼序 tiong2 iu3 si7   procedence(??) between elders and youngers, (probably : precedence )
友與朋 iu2. u5 peng5   as between friend and friend
君則敬 kun1.cek4 keng3   Respect on the part of the sovereign
臣則忠 sin5.cek4 tiong1   loyalty on the part of the subject
此十義 chu2 sip8-gi7   These ten obligations
人所同 jin5. soo2-tong5   are common to all men