三字經 歷史篇 ( 一 ) 台語發音
三字經 台語拼音 聽聽看 台語發音 英語翻譯
自羲農 cu7 hi1-long5   From Fu Hsi and Shen Nung
至黃帝 ci3 hong5-te3   (??on ?? probably to or onto ) the Yellow Emperor
號三皇 ho7 sam1-hong5   these are called the three rulers
居上世 ki1 siong7-se3   who lived in the early ages
唐有虞 tong5. iu2 gi5   Tang and Yu-Yu
號二帝 ho7. ji7-te3   are called the two emperors
相揖遜 siang1 ip4 sun3   They adbicated, one after the other
稱盛世 cheng1 seng7 se3   and their was called the Golden Age.
夏有禹 he7. iu2 u2   The Hsia dynasty has Yu
商有湯 siong1. iu2 thong1   and the Shang dynasty has T'ang'
周文武 ciu1 bun5 bu2   The Chou dynasty had Wen and Wu
稱三王 cheng7 sam1 ong5   these are called the Three Kings
夏傳子 he7. thoan5 cu2   Under the Hsia dynasty the throne was transmitted from father to son
家天下 ka1 thian1 ha7   making a family possession of the empire
四百載 su3 peh4 cai3   After four hundred years
遷夏社 chian1 he7 sia7   the imperial sacrifice passed from the house of Hsia
湯伐夏 thong1. hoat8 he7   T'ang the completer destroyed the Hsia Dynasty
國號商 kok4 ho7. siong1   and the Dynastic title became Shang
六百載 liok8 peh4 cai3   The line lasted for six hundred years
至紂王 ci3 tiu7-ong5   ending with Chou Hsin
周武王 ciu1-bu2-ong5   King Wu of the Chou Dynasty
始誅紂 si2 tu1 tiu7   finally slew Chou Hsin
八百載 pat4 peh4 cai3   His own line lasted for eight hundred years
最長久 coe3 tiong5-kiu2   the longest dynasty of all